Film: Quantum of Solace (2008)
Article by Daniel Gaster. (Field report 071).
I’ve previously written about my experience in purchasing a Made to Measure shirt from TOM FORD, my Rome SPECTRE shirt, Standard SPECTRE shirt and my blue No Time to Die Shirt.
This is slightly different; this is my journey in trying to identify the correct shirt details to enable a Made to Measure purchase. TOM FORD did not have details of the shirts, suits, or coats for Quantum of Solace, and when I went to look through their “Bond File” no longer had those for Skyfall.
I cannot guarantee that the shirt I have is the correct one, but I do believe it to be.
Timeline of events:
11th of April 2022 – Approached David Zaritsky for help in identifying the Quantum Shirt.
Following on from the long project to get the Quantum of Solace ties (Covid being the reason), I was determined to try and get a Quantum shirt to match with my eagerly expected ties.
I approached David as at the time he was the only man I was sure had a Quantum shirt, matching with the Navy Quantum suit and Cardigan.
He sent pictures of the shirts collar and the labelling almost immediately, and without question knew I had some of the details I needed to get my purchase underway. The only question I had was if it was still a possibility to have the shirt made with discontinued codes?
9th of May 2022 – Went to TOM FORD in London to get re-measured.
As part of “Suit up Saturday” a small group of Bond fans met in London to look around the sites, meet for the first time and have one or two drinks.
Included were Peter Brooker, Thomas Felix Creighton, Z (Tie Another Day), Chris Hunt and Myself.
But before meeting up with the group, I got into London early and went to TOM FORD to meet with my contact there and get myself measured up, as it had been some time since I was last measured, and to go over the details of the shirt I wanted to have made.
I was armed with a copy of “Bond on Set” from Quantum of Solace, and we went through the images to work out, essentially if we could get the collars and cuffs to match.
Taking the details from the Photo’s David had sent, the codes was taken and would be looked into to see if the shirt could still be made. I’d be contacted later on the following week.
16th of May 2022 – TOM FORD supply details and order shirt. Price £515
I got a WhatsApp message from my contact saying the code was accepted and the shirt had been ordered for me. An image of the shirt was supplied to provide an outline of the shirt’s details. I later forwarded the images to a WhatsApp group which included Matt Spaiser.
At some point Matt pointed out that this shirt had Cocktail cuffs, a detail which I’d overlooked in the excitement, and it slowly dawned on me that I might have the wrong shirt ordered.
I messaged David to confirm that it was the Made to Measure Shirt from Quantum, as in the images he sent over, none included the cuffs.
20th of May 2022 – Cancelled order after realising ordered the wrong shirt.
Shirt ordered was SPECTRE Morocco shirt – 94A JRF – BASWH, luckily, I was able to cancel the order before anything had started. David was now looking throughout his collection, and wardrobe for his Quantum shirt, to this day I still think it’s MIA!
A few days later, as if by coincidence, I watched the Quantum of Solace Live Happy Hour. Talking about the style and the pieces, the one comment that stood out for me was from Matt Spaiser regarding the shirt I’ve been trying to get made, he said regarding the shirt “it’s the main item across the film.”
He was right, the shirt featured with all the suits (blue for the first suit, but white for the rest) he wears the shirt again with a smart casual assemble, with another piece that most want, the TOM FORD black cardigan.

Manufacturer: TOM FORD Product: Made to Measure Shirt
2nd of June – Had a baby.
During this time, I temporarily paused my search for the shirt as I had become a Father to my son, George.
2nd of July – Mark Ramshaw (007JBDCMWR) who ran the Skyfall and Quantum tie projects provides the codes to his “Quantum Shirt”.
Around the same time started a thread on AJB to see if I can confirm the codes with any other member with a “Quantum Shirt”. I did get one response asking if I meant the polo shirt, but other than that, silence.
14th of July – can this code for a shirt be made (to measure)
After receiving no responses to the request for codes on AJB I messaged my contact at TF London to see if it was possible to make the shirt with Mark’s code, what the cost would be and an image of shirt design to confirm.
The cost £515, the time 5.5-6 weeks from September (shut down during August) and no image. I ask again for an image but get no response.
September – receive the Quantum ties!
I loved getting these, during the Covid period I’d been made redundant, so I had to pull out of this project, but that didn’t last too long, and I was able to get back in. So, to have the ties in front of me was such a gift.
I messaged Luigi to thank him, and also if he had the code for the Quantum shirt, and the Quantum Cardigan. He was able to get the cardigan.
“The cardigan used in QoS is our classic shawl collar one that we’ve as a carryover and masterpiece of our collection. During the years we’ve made many colors and re-edited with different details. The style code is TFK154. The other part of code is referring the season and material that’s why I prefer not to give as it may create any mistakes. Than other part of code is the color: K09 for black, B09 for the blue. Usually the cardigan is available at TF stores.”
When going back about the shirt, he was unable to provide any codes.

Purchase Date: December 2022
1st of December – after conversation with my TF contact, finally get a design image of the shirt with “Classic Collar” and “French Cuffs” (Barrel cuff option also available)
I’d let it wait a while before trying my contact again, he was very apologetic and after a day or, so he was able to provide an image for the shirt.
I shared this image out with my WhatsApp group, and it was a high possibility it was the correct shirt.
Note: This is not the current version of the classic collar, but the classic collar from 2008.
6th of December – place order, price increased to £520.
And now I wait.

Colour: White – BASWH
16th of February 2023 – Shirt arrives unexpected, without any notice.
This was a strange one, I’d not been informed that the shirt was arriving to the TF store, nor that it had been sent out to me. It was simply addressed only to “Dan”, unlike the normal “Mr Daniel Gaster” that they usually put on everything. I sent a message of thanks, but it was left unanswered.

Model: Poplin with spread collar and double cuffs – 94S 2JE
Sometime later
I’ve worn the shirt quite a few times now when a suit has been required. Working from home has meant not wearing a suit daily. But I have worn it with all 5 of the Quantum ties, many of which have probably made it on to my Instagram account.
I love to wear this shirt; it does make me smile. A lot of it is because it’s from Quantum, which I hold as the Daniel Craig flagship for style. But also, it’s the journey and effort it’s taken to get to the point of having this made.

Purchase Price: £520
So now what?
Well, although it will probably be a while before I go down the Made to Measure route again, I’d be interested to find the colour code for the pale blue shirt worn in the PTS of Quantum, and in the Siena scenes post credits.
I would also be interested in a TOM FORD Quantum Cardigan either made or maybe found, but that would be stretching at present. I know a few people who have them, so I hope I have the right codes.
Follow Daniel Gaster my man in a field on Instagram. Read about how Benson and Clegg were drafted by the Costume team for No Time to Die in the book, From Tailors With Love.
Images of Daniel Craig in a TOM FORD Made to Measure shirt soured from Quantum of Solace (2008) Image rights held © 2008 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. and Danjaq, LLC.