In episode 13 of the From Tailors With Love podcast we spoke to David Zaritsky of The Bond Experience. David is a collector and has quite the enviable menagerie of clothing and props from the James Bond films.

What was the moment that converted you into a Bond fan?

I was 32-33 a young executive with some expendable cash. I use to collect Star Wars, Indiana Jones props, etc. When I was 33-34 I started to get into Tomorrow Never Dies. There was something about Pierce Brosnan his panache. He was so incredibly capable and well dressed that I wanted to emulate some of his lifestyle.

That movie sent me over the top. Bond is an invisible hobby. I can wear a Bond piece and I understand the connections so I have that thrill on a daily basis but I also get to wear it on my sleeve.

The Bond Experience

How much of your collection is clothing?

I used to think it was mostly clothing, but I actually think its mostly props. Probably 35% is clothing wardrobe. I have entire closets that are just for jackets and another area that is just for screen-used that I don’t even have displayed. I have a mix of replica, screen accurate and screen used wardrobe.

What is the best thing about living the Bond lifestyle?

This Bond lifestyle that we lead makes us appreciate the good things in life. We’re not taking heroin, we’re not spending 6 hours on a golf course away from our wives. We’re dressing better, we’re exercising more and we’re learning about fine wines and cognac. Our wives can appreciate that.

David was also a great contributor to the book about the style of James Bond From Tailors With Love: An Evolution of Menswear Through the Bond Films, available on Amazon.

Do you have any special relationship with EON?

We are part of the wonderful PR engine they are very smart from a marketing stand point. In 2018 they looked at individuals that represent certain geographies. The mass of my audience for The Bond Experience is the United States. But also the social economic focus is important. They have all the data and they know how to use them.

Listen to the podcast

You can download the podcast (episode 13) and listen to the full interview with David on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify. You can also listen to another episode with David Zaritsky as we talk about the history of Omega and the journey of being an Omega collector.

Be sure to check out David’s channel on YouTube.