Min #21 – Derangement of the Tear Duct (Bleeding Eye)
End of minute 20 Bleeding eye In minute 21 of Casino Royale we see a poker game between Le Chiffre, an unnamed poker [...]
End of minute 20 Bleeding eye In minute 21 of Casino Royale we see a poker game between Le Chiffre, an unnamed poker [...]
Start of minute 8-9 Le Chiffre.. .. arrives to the Ugandan camp. He is dressed for business in a brown suit, deep aubergine [...]
Hannibal S1, Ep12 – Relevés Costume Designer: Christopher Hargadon When Hannibal brings Will some chicken soup, we get a brief glimpse at his brown single [...]
Hannibal S1, Ep10 – Buffet Froid Costume Designer: Christopher Hargadon Hannibal Lecter’s (Mads Mikkelsen) vinyl kill suit is first seen at the end of episode [...]