End of min 10-11
The foot chase to the construction site
Bond and Mollaka are now in a foot chase to the construction site. Purvis and Wade mention in the Blu Ray commentary that this is the first foot chase in a Bond film. I would consider Thunderball, although it was Bond being hunted. Also in the Bahamas.
Regardless there is about 20 seconds of chase sequence through some foliage before they reach the construction site.
Daniel Craig quote:
In the book Bond on Set – Filming Casino Royale by Greg Williams, Daniel Craig mentions that.
I done my achilles tendon so running was increasingly difficult. I had to keep looking at the rushes to make sure I wasn’t limping.
The actual location
Whilst all this is doubling for Madagascar, in reality this is the Bahamas. AND the location points between the Mongoose / Snake Pit scene and this construction site, is walkable! I’ve done it myself with Anastasia, along the coastline actually and it’s more than achievable, say 20 minutes from memory.

Me at the construction site from Casino Royale
Back to the film
As Mollaka jumps over the fence, here we have our first insight into Free Running, or Parkour. According to the Making of Casino Royale, Wade and Purvis saw Sebastien who plays Mollaka, in a Free Running doc set around London. AND before Bond was to get his double 00 status, this chase sequence was intended to be the pre-titles.
In the digger
It’s a small jump over the fence, but acrobatically done by Mollaka. Bond on the over hand does something more agricultural, a forward roll of sorts into a sand pit. Mollaka then takes shelter from behind the some huge tubular cylinders, (anyone know what these are called?). Probably used for wastage chutes. He pulls a gun in anticipation. Bond then comes hurtling through in a JCB.
Mollaka gets some shots off which pelts the windscreen, but Bond is unflinching. He doesn’t even cower. He smashes through the cylinders and sending a wave of concrete towards Mollaka which catch his heels as he runs away.
According to Michael G Wilson
Michael G Wilson knew of an abandoned hotel he spotted during the making of The Spy Who Loved Me. Fortunately it was still there
When we’re looking for a building under construction for a film company it was just about impossible to find, because by the time you go and look at a building you have to plan to work there and when you’re done planning the building has moved on and probably finished. But this place being an abandoned building it was easy for us to make it look like a construction project that was still going on.

End of min 11-12