Image pulled from ‘Google Zardoz’
What is it?
Some call it skimpy shorts, a jockstrap, a nappy, a red pants suit, but what is it exactly? Believe it wasn’t a rabbit hole I expected to fall down this morning. However, I simply had to get to the bottom of this outfit worn by Sean Connery in Zardoz.
You’ll forgive me if I don’t go into the plot, but if you were to say this film is about body hair, you would be beyond rebuke.

It’s brutal
There is actually a fair bit said about this film and the costumes on Wikipedia. I have pulled a quote for you below.

What is Connery wearing?
A country cobbler provided several items of the Brutals’ wardrobe, fashioning leather loin-cloths, bullet pouches and canvas machine gun belts – in addition to mundane chore of turning out shoes for the regular visitors.
Some comments from YouTube
There are numerous reviews of Zardoz on YouTube. I scoured through many comments looking for opinions on the costumes. Please find below comments written by others.
- I wonder what SEAN must have said whilst wearing that red camp crotch outfit. WOW what hairy thighs and them knee high pumps! I have tears in my eyes.
- In the middle of the 80s, science-fiction movie was meaning huge special effects. So, seeing Sean Connery in a red pants-suit, in a cheap movie (in terms of special effects, sets and outfits) was kind of lousy.
Further Reading
Sewing patterns for loin cloths
Burning Man and loin cloth debate thread
Tweeting about this
Chest hair – it’s the best. pic.twitter.com/5Wm40pJCxP
— From Tailors With Love (@tailorswithlove) November 29, 2020
How to tie a loin cloth
Shopping List
Should you feel compelled, Zardoz is available on Blu Ray. I would recommend the Autobiography Being a Scot which Connery penned with friend Murray Grigor. Mainly for the pictures of Connery from his childhood. I’ll confess, it’s a tough read. He doesn’t go much into his life in films. But early stories of his childhood are insightful. Perhaps if you’re Scottish, this will resonate much more.