Start of minute 13-14
In this minute of Casino Royale Bond is still chasing Mollaka up to the top of the crane. We get a great shot of his boot as he stamps on a lever that drops the cargo enabling him to elevate up to the top.
What is Bond Wearing?
After this episode was published I got a lot of enquires as to what shoes was Bond wearing in this chase scene. You can find out all about this outfit in the book From Tailors With Love, An Evolution of Menswear Through the Bond Films.
Here is an excerpt however from Matt Spaiser, my co-author from his blog Bond Suits.
James Bond’s trousers are beige linen with a drawstring waist. They have a loose fit, which is more comfortable in hot weather. Bond also wears a black web belt. […] The belt holds Bond’s holster and Walther P99. His shoes are the Converse Jack Purcell OTR in Chocolate and Paprika. The OTR stands for “On the Road” and it’s like a cross between a boot and a trainer.
Listen to the podcast
Jon Shanahan and I break down Minute 14. Check out the individual minutes , thoughts and discussion points here.
What is persistence?
To speak about persistence means to really never know when you’re beat. To overcome adversity, and be ready to overcome all challenges. The key here with Bond, is that he is the underdog in this foot chase. Mollaka is clearly trained in Parkour and Bond’s persistence is just to keep up with him. To keep him in arms reach. His persistence here, saves countless lives later on. Had he not picked up the Ellipsis code on the phone, he would never been able to track Demetrius and consequently Le Chiffre.